The AIA/SCS 2025 Joint Annual Meeting has a mixed format: many sessions will be in-person, some will be hybrid, and a few will be fully virtual. If you register as an in-person attendee you will also have full access to virtual sessions.
The US federal government has declared an end to the COVID-19 emergency. However, attendees will be required to follow all public health guidelines in place at the time of the meeting. All attendees should respect the choice of any staff member, attendee, or vendor to wear a mask and / or engage in social distancing. Please see our Public Health Policy ( for full details.

You can proceed with online registration if you are using one of the following forms of payment:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Discover

Please note that all registration rates are listed in US dollars.

In order to complete your online registration, payment by credit card must be made at the time of registration. We are not able to process registrations over the phone.  Registrants wishing to pay by check may register by mail or onsite (onsite registrations will not be able to utilize the early registration rates). Attendees are encouraged to register in advance to avoid lines and higher fees at onsite registration. Please click here for the paper registration form. Checks, in US Dollars only, should be made payable to AIA/SCS Annual Meeting and mailed to:

AIA/SCS 2025 Registration
c/o Showcare Event Solutions
1200 G Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005-6705

If you are unable to complete your registration session, you will receive an email notification on the following business day with a link back to your form.


Not a member of the AIA or SCS? Non-members will save money on their conference registration by becoming a member of either society and thereby gaining access to the discounted member rate.  You may become a member during the registration process by selecting the “New AIA or SCS Member” category below.  To learn more about the societies before registering, please vist AIA or SCS.

PLEASE NOTE: This system is only able to process new memberships. Existing members wishing to renew or update their membership should do so via the AIA or SCS websites.


Registration Options and Fees

Registration Fees
ON/BEFORE Nov 11, 2024
AFTER Nov 11, 2024
Virtual ON/BEFORE Nov 11, 2024
Virtual AFTER Nov 11, 2024
Member SCS or AIA $235 $300 $118 $150
Student Member $85 $110 $45 $55
K-12 Teacher/Contingent Faculty/Unemployed Member *** $120 $150 $60 $75
K-12 Teacher/Contingent Faculty/Unemployed Non-Member *** $190 $215 $95 $110
Non-Member $300 $400 $150 $200 
Student Non-member $165 $195 $80 $100
EAA Member $235 $300 $118 $150 
Spouse/Guests $120 $150 N/A
Add’l Exhibition Booth Personnel $145 $145 N/A
One-day Registration $170 $200 N/A
One-day Exhibit Hall Pass $55 $75 N/A


If you have already registered or were unable to complete a registration, please enter your information below.
