Register and Book your Hotel Room

You may log in to start your registration process as well as book your housing. If you are not ready to register at this time, you can still log in and book your hotel room before rooms sell out.

Existing AUVSI Customer Account Login

 If you do not have an account, please complete the fields in the next section to book your hotel.

Forgot your Username and/or Password?
LOGIN QUESTIONS? Please contact or (844) 327-5248.

I do not have an AUVSI Customer Account

 If you do not have an account, please complete all fields below.
PLEASE NOTE: Email addresses must be unique to each person using the XPONENTIAL site to book housing and/or register for XPONENTIAL. If you have registered for an XPONENTIAL event in the past, an AUVSI account may have been created for you and you will be prompted to use the "Forgot your Username and/or Password?" feature in the section above.